Everything you need to know about boerne lake

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Is Boerne lake open to the public?

Boerne lake is open to the general citizens of Boerne, Tx.

Due to the influx of people flocking to Texas, Boerne Lake admins usually will make you present your Texas Drivers License to verify you are indeed a Boerne Resident.

If you don’t happen to have a state drivers license that depicts you living in Boerne, you may not be allowed in.

This is to preserve the authenticity and integrity of the lake, and prevent over crowding from people living in San Antonio coming up to enjoy some water activities.

Can I swim at Boerne Lake?

Boerne City Lake is open to all residents of Boerne, and allows people visiting to enjoy non motorized activities out on the water.

The reason why no motorized activities are allowed, is because the lake serves as a reservoir  for domestic purposes of the City of Boerne.

Can I swim at Boerne Lake?

Having a lake dedicated for domestic purposes indicates that it is a protected area that needs to have as little contaminates as possible.

Despite not being able to have any motorized activity out on the lake, feel free to bring your paddle boards, kayaks, and other tubing devices and enjoy wading out on the lake in the middle of the Texas Hill Country!

Are there alligators in Boerne lake?

There are no known native species of alligators in Boerne City Lake.

Despite this, there apparently have been reported sightings and catchings of some alligators that some suspect were dumped in nearby riverbeds.

For the most part, there are no gators present in Boerne lake, or any other lake within the central Texas region of Texas.

If you want to find gators, head on over to east Texas, where it is known that gators are native.

Fishing at Boerne Lake:

There are a variety of species of fish at Boerne lake, including:

  • Bass
  • Catfish
  • Sunfish

Here’s a link for more information:


Where is Boerne Lake located?

Lake boerne is located on the northwest side of Boerne, right across from I-10.

Where is Boerne Lake located?

If you’re driving from Main Street, it’s only about a 5 Minute drive. 

When you’re driving on over to the lake, don’t forget to enjoy the scenery of the area, since that’s where a lot of the hills are.

If you drive past the Lake Boerne entrance, you’ll be on this little two lane road that takes you deep into the Texas hill country, and can make for some epic views.